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Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

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In Revelation 6:1–8, the Apostle John describes a vision of the Lamb (Christ) opening the first four of seven seals on a scroll, unleashing what are commonly known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Each horse and rider symbolize different forms of divine judgment and chaos upon the earth.

1. The First Seal: The White Horse

The first rider, on a white horse, carries a bow and is given a crown. He rides out as a conqueror bent on conquest. This rider likely represents conquest or the rise of oppressive rulers and empires that bring war and domination.

2. The Second Seal: The Red Horse

The second rider, on a red horse, is given a large sword and the authority to take peace from the earth, resulting in widespread violence and war. The red color symbolizes bloodshed, and this horseman brings conflict and strife among nations.

3. The Third Seal: The Black Horse

The third rider, on a black horse, holds a pair of scales in his hand. A voice declares the high cost of essential goods like wheat and barley, indicating economic collapse and famine. The scales suggest that food will be scarce and rationed, leading to suffering and poverty.

4. The Fourth Seal: The Pale Horse

The fourth rider, on a pale or ashen horse, is named Death, and Hades (the grave) follows him. This horseman is given power to kill by sword, famine, plague, and wild beasts. His arrival represents widespread death and destruction.

These horsemen signify various forms of divine judgment—conquest, war, famine, and death—unleashed upon a world in rebellion against God. This passage warns of the destructive forces that precede the final judgment, reminding believers of the importance of faithfulness in the face of chaos and suffering.

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