There are a number of New Testament passages that associate the concepts of the new age of the Spirit, believer unity, covenant membership, and indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the symbols of the temple, Christ’s body, the Eucharist, table...
We always need to be ready. There is no time to lose. There is no room for negligence. Are you ready? There is an interesting little story in the Bible that Jesus tells about ten bridesmaids. Not a lot of people know this story, and rather than...
In light of current events, it is often times difficult to believe that Jesus is, in fact, in control. The mobilization of militant Islam, the quagmire of American politics and international relations, unending wars and threats of wars, the...
We can only imagine what it must have been like for everyone the day after Jesus’ resurrection. Learning of his resurrection must have been overwhelming (Jesus wishes to overwhelm us at times), both for his followers as well as for his enemies...
No one imagined it. It came as a surprise to all. Everything thought they knew what God was planning. They believed that they knew what God would do to redeem the world. His plan was beyond their wildest dreams. No one fathomed that it would be...
Through the greatest injustice known in all human history, God brings justice to the world. This is a testimony to his sovereignty and transcendence. Approaching Good Friday, I’m reminded of how we are so accustomed to fallen human reality...
Running through the Gospel according to John is a theme of dark/light. Some (not exhaustive) Examples: Do you remember the first chapter? “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness...
What is Easter all about? Some would contend that Easter is all about dying and going to heaven as is symbolized in the story of the resurrection of Jesus. This is partially right. The part that is correct is that Easter is indeed all about the...
In Mark 10 we find a story about two members of Jesus’ inner-circle asking him a favor. Interestingly enough, they don’t fully understand what they are asking. I think this is often times the case with us as well. We ask Jesus for things and we...