This is an excerpt from a forthcoming book on the Holy Spirit. In this post I said that the Bible is the foundational authoritative source for right thinking about God. In this post, we will look at the consensual tradition of the church represented...
other believers. In Paul's language, people become members of God's family when they become Christians. We must keep in mind that when we become members of God's family that it is a family that sends. There is not a single member of the family of...
If the aim of Jesus's saving work is to restore the presence of God with us, then the Holy Spirit must be a person to truly bring the presence of God to believers. If the Holy Spirit is not a person, then the truth and power of Jesus's saving...
John the Baptist’s ministry was to “prepare the way of the Lord, to make his paths straight.” What does this mean? As we read on, we learn that John had a “ministry of repentance.” John’s name— “the baptizer”—came from the fact that in his ministry...
I wanted to share this very interesting article by Michael J. Rhodes, OT lecturer at Carey Baptist College. Rhodes starts the article referencing the “Slave Bible,” which was a highly edited version of the KJV given to Caribbean slaves...
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Included in the story of Jesus’s birth is the detail that after he was born, Mary “wrapped him in cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). Why does Luke include this detail about his birth? This...
The Apostle John tells us that there are three great lies about life, and three great corresponding truths. Lie #1 You’ve been a good person (or at least better than most other people) and you don’t need Jesus Christ to come into your life with...
the Old Testament, yet a kind, loving, and gracious God in the New Testament? The short answer is that most people tend to overlook how wrathful God really is in the New Testament. The long answer is that the unity of God is beyond human...
Six points to sharing your faith. Watch the sermon here.