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Common Myths about Demons

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In this sermon, we explore 10 common myths about demons.

  1. People are Possessed by Demons. There’s a difference between demonization and possession. Possession is very rare. Demonization, however, is common.
  2. Deliverance Always Entails a Fight. This is one of the lies of the enemy. Deliverance can come quietly and peacefully. Key to a calm deliverance is weakening the demonic through inner healing and repentance.
  3. Demonization is Simply Psychological Illness. The Bible is clear that demons are personalities.
  4. The Demonized Are Guilty of Spiritual Rebellion. Demonization can come from damaged emotions, pre-conversion sin, or even family spirits that have nothing to do with spiritual rebellion.
  5. Problems Are Either Demonic or Psychological. Our culture likes a “one or the other” mentality. It’s possible that there are demonic causes behind psychological illnesses, or that they simply use those illnesses to confuse and further destroy.
  6. All Emotional Problems Are Caused by Demons. Most of the time what’s necessary is crucifying the flesh, not deliverance from demons.
  7. Only Those with Special Giftings Can Cast Out Demons. All Christian’s are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and can be used by God to cast out demons. God does the work, not us.
  8. Demonization is Uncommon in the West. Demons like to stay hidden, as we’ve seen. They want us to think they are uncommon in the west, but they are prolific everywhere outside of the church and in some circumstances in the church.
  9. The Demonized Speak in a Different Voice. Demons can speak in other voices or language, but this isn’t common because it reveals them. They like to stay hidden. Demons can be a “behind the scenes” influence on people to cause disruption.
  10. Inner Voices are Sure Evidence of Demonization. Inner voices that cause torment and disorientation could be identity disassociate disorder (DID). These can be related to demonic activity but not necessarily so. All humans have different aspects of their personality that bring different perspectives into situations. This is common. It is cause for concern when the voices are harassing or tormenting the individual or disrupting daily life.

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