I’ve launched a series on the book of Revelation on the WBS Podcast Seminary Unboxed.
You can listen here or listen through Youtube here.
Part of Christ’s priestly role is to tend the lampstands. The OT priest would trim the lamps, remove the wick and old oil, refill the lamps with fresh oil, and relight those that had gone out. Likewise, Christ tends the ecclesial lampstands by...
Have you ever thought about the simple fact that people respond to Jesus very differently? There are those today who love him and willingly die for him, there are others who hate him and wish they never heard the name again, and then there are those...
The Bible calls the church is the “Bride of Christ” (Rev 21:2, 9-10; John 3:29; Mark 2:19). But what are the points of comparison between a husband and wife and the Church and Jesus? First, there is a deep love between the two. This love is self...
In light of current events, it is often times difficult to believe that Jesus is, in fact, in control. The mobilization of militant Islam, the quagmire of American politics and international relations, unending wars and threats of wars, the...
It is generally accepted that we tend to overlook the things with which we are familiar. I find that when we pause for a moment and lend our attention to the familiar that it is the fundamental things, the things that we take for granted, that are...
Jesus said this often. The question is why? What did Jesus mean when he said this? After all, Jesus was a great teacher. At the same time, there were some pretty enigmatic things that Jesus said. After all, aren’t we still arguing quite a bit...
So I’m upping the ante on my reading in apocalyptic and eschatological literature. I encountered this quote yesterday and thought it worth sharing: Ideas have consequences. . . . At worst, such belief [in a rapture] is a form of escapism. The...
I find that many Christians believe that after we die we spend eternity in heaven. This is not true. It is true, however, that when we die our spirits go to be with Jesus (Phil 1:23; Luke 23:43). However, many fail to understand that this is a sort...