In light of current events, it is often times difficult to believe that Jesus is, in fact, in control. The mobilization of militant Islam, the quagmire of American politics and international relations, unending wars and threats of wars, the...
Raising kids has reminded me that we don’t always know what’s best for ourselves, even as adults. This seems simple, but this is really is the issue at the heart of the brokenness of humanity. This is ultimately what has gone wrong. This very point...
From N.T. Wright But how can the living God become a human being? How does it make sense? It makes sense precisely in terms of the creation story which John evokes with the very first words of his gospel. The climax of the creation in Genesis was...
This is a short excerpt from Holiness in Fresh Perspective: Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom. Wipf and Stock, 2014. All rights reserved. Too often we read the gospels against an empty backdrop. As modern readers we tend to be very illiterate of the Old...