Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8). Take a moment and think about all the ways in which we can apply the word pure. We can talk about pure water, purebred animals, sounds can be pure, gold can be pure, and the list...
The Crucial Pillars of the New Perspective Going back to the original question, what is the gospel according to Paul? N. T. Wright has made a career out of answering this question. In his research, Wright has identified several crucial pillars that...
(This post is an excerpt from my working manuscript provisionally titled Holiness in Fresh Perspective or Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom: Holiness in Fresh Perspective. All rights reserved) For too long we have read Scripture with nineteenth-century...
As already announced, I’m working on a manuscript titled Holiness in Fresh Perspective. The goal of the project is very specific: to situate the biblical doctrine of holiness within the new framework of understanding Paul’s thought and theology...
The Bible plainly teaches that there is nothing that humanity can do to save itself collectively, or individually. No one is able, in their own strength and effort, to put right that which was lost in the Garden of Eden. In fact, the very attempt to...
John Wesley’s doctrine of Christian Perfection is most-times misunderstood by its opponents. John Wesley never taught that Christians should be sinless or could achieve sinlessness in this life. John Wesley believed that sinless Christian...
The worldview and theology of the Hebrew Bible emerges out of the cultural and intellectual milieu of the ancient Near East. While many have argued that the Hebrew Bible is essentially the same as the sacred writings of its ancient neighbors, this...