Introduction The book of Genesis has a special importance within the canon of Christian Scripture as it introduces not only the Pentateuch and the Old Testament, but it also serves as an introduction to the Bible as a whole. As a good introduction...
One of the paradoxes of the Christian faith that I struggle with is strength through weakness. I do not struggle with believing it to be true, I struggle with putting it into application on a day-to-day basis. What does this look like in the daily...
And the Spirit was hovering over the waters… (Gen 1:2b) I’ve always been intrigued by the Spirit of God hovering over the watery chaos just before God speaks order into the vast and formless deep. On the one hand we have the watery...
Genealogies are important. The Bible lists many genealogies. The book of Genesis is structured around genealogies (the Hebrew phrase “elleh toledot“, which means, “these are the generations” demarcates each macro-section of...
According to John 1:1, Jesus is the Word. Any commentary on John 1:1 will point out that John, with his choice of wording, “In the beginning…” is making a connection with Genesis 1:1. John wants us to understand Jesus in light of the creation (among...
I find that many Christians believe that after we die we spend eternity in heaven. This is not true. It is true, however, that when we die our spirits go to be with Jesus (Phil 1:23; Luke 23:43). However, many fail to understand that this is a sort...
In the opening scene of the narrative, God creates the heavens and the earth. The theological thrust of both creation narratives (Genesis 1 and 2), is the sovereignty of God, as Creator. There are clues in the text that highlight this. One of the...
Scripture is clear on the fact that the fulfillment of God’s saving mission to the world will be manifest in the establishment of the New Creation. In that New Creation, heaven and earth are joined together (as binary and complementary parts) and...