According to John 1:1, Jesus is the Word. Any commentary on John 1:1 will point out that John, with his choice of wording, “In the beginning…” is making a connection with Genesis 1:1. John wants us to understand Jesus in light of the creation (among other things). But in what way?
The essence of the creation account is God’s capacity to bring order out of chaos. Prior to speaking the creation into existence, there was watery darkness. Watery darkness to the ancient world (and to us if you think about it) is the epitome of chaos. It is outside of the chaos where God stands and speaks light and order into it. He brings order to disorder. He brings light to darkness. He brings death to life. This is what he does.
In much the same way, John is telling us that Jesus, like the Father, has this capacity. Jesus brings order out of disorder. In what way, however? In the creation account, God brought order to the disorder of the primeval waters.
What about Jesus? Jesus brings order into the brokenness and disorder of human life. Jesus brings that which is dead to life. Jesus brings healing, change, regeneration, and transformation. He shines light into the darkness of our life circumstances and the crookedness of the human heart.
This concept isn’t unique to the ministry of Jesus. This too is what God did in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the “patriarchs”). What a mess of a family! Jacob was a master manipulator, and Abraham and Isaac were impotent! There was nothing they could do to bring light, order, and life in the midst of their circumstances. God, however, brought order to chaos.
Faith is the essential element in activating God’s creative, life-giving role in our lives. This is why the patriarchal stories are so important. They teach us that God, as the sovereign, order-bringing, life-giving Creator can enter in and speak order when we have faith. God can do it whoever and however he wishes, he choses, however, to only do it in response to human faith.
You see, humans were created as the capstone of the creation. They have power, dominion, and authority over the creation. They were created in the image of God. They have free will. Because the Bible has a high view of humanity, God always respects this dimension of humanity as his creation. This means that God choses to bring light to darkness when we express faith. This means for a dynamic relationship between believer and God.
The entire point of God’s redeeming activity in our lives and circumstances is not merely to alleviate us of our pain, problems, and decay. Because God choses to act in response to human faith, this means that it’s about much more than that. It’s about God being in relationship with his people. It’s not about God’ presents, it’s about his presence. Relationship is the context of renewal.
Jesus is the Word. He brings life. It is through the communication by word that he shines his light into the dark places of our lives. Order cannot come into human existence outside of relationship. He heals the wounded and binds up the broken—all for the sake of reciprocal, loving relationship. Order is manifest in the midst of a relationship with Jesus.
Walk with Jesus. Be healed.
“God entered into human history in a special fashion at the precise time when psychological structures assured that his entrance would have greatest opportunity to endure and flower. To assure maximum presence through history, the Word came in the ripeness of time, when a sense of the oral was still dominant and when at the same time the alphabet could give divine revelation among men a new kind of endurance and stability. . . . [D]ivine revelation let down its roots into human culture and consciousness after the alphabet was devised but before print had overgrown major oral structures and before our electronic culture further obscured the basic nature of the word. ”
– Walter Ong, The Presence of the Word, 190-191
This is absolutely true. I have learned and taught this same lesson too many times in the last few years. I have a friend who has become an alcoholic. He has hit rock bottom. I have emphasized to him that God will take him through and out of this.
“Jesus brings order into the brokenness and disorder of human life. Jesus brings that which is dead to life. Jesus brings healing, change, regeneration, and transformation. He shines light into the darkness of our life circumstances and the crookedness of the human heart.”
And further, that this is a faith issue. He must decide that he can believe that the instruction of God is best for his life, not what he believes he wants to do is best for his life. This type of decision, whether it be an addition to alcohol, women, or pursuing fame, fortune is a faith issue. Do you do this because it is God’s direction or your direction? Do you believe that He knows what is best for you or do you believe that you do? A person has to decide.
“Faith is the essential element in activating God’s creative, life-giving role in our lives.”
Once someone decides to believe that “Father knows best” their life becomes changed. God promotes order, healing, regeneration and transformation just as you describe. But He doesn’t stop there, because He is so gracious and so willing to pour His love over us, He then blesses us to overflowing with more than we can hold. The Lord is magnificent!! (Ps 8)