Disruption of God’s Creation Project Leaven comes up a lot in the Bible. We first see it in the story of the exodus when God tells Israel not to put...
Articles and Writing
View allIn this post we said that while God’s presence pervades the cosmos (immanence), he also reveals himself in special ways within the creation. In this...
On Palm Sunday we read about how the people shouted “Hosannah!” while Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. This proclamation is directly from Psalm...
Today we celebrate Palm Sunday, which is the last Sunday before Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates when Jesus rode into Jerusalem...
Without the Holy Spirit’s help we can’t understand God any more than a chicken can understand a human being. We need the Holy Spirit’s help to...
It is typical in the church calendar for preachers to start sermon series on the Holy Spirit after Easter. This is because Pentecost chronologically...