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Lent, Baptism, and Repentance: Understanding Sin and Salvation through Psalm 51

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Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation as we journey toward Easter. One of the key questions that arises each year is: Do the 40 days of Lent include Sundays? The answer is no, because every Sunday is considered a “mini-Easter,” a day of celebration rather than mourning. Each Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, our new life in Him, and the hope of His return. So, in a sense, Lent is a journey of fasting and reflection, but Sundays remain days of joy and renewal.

Why Was Jesus Baptized?

One of the important topics we covered in this study was the baptism of Jesus. If Jesus was sinless, why did He need to be baptized? This question has puzzled many believers, and we explored several key reasons:

  1. To Set an Example – Jesus was baptized to show His followers the path of obedience and submission to God. If He, though sinless, was baptized, how much more should we follow His example?
  2. To Fulfill All Righteousness – In Matthew 3:15, Jesus tells John the Baptist, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” His baptism was an act of obedience that inaugurated His public ministry.
  3. To Identify with Humanity – Jesus took on our story, standing in the place of sinners, even though He Himself was without sin. His baptism foreshadowed His ultimate work of taking on our sin on the cross.
  4. To Reveal the Trinity – At Jesus’ baptism, we see the Father speaking, the Son being baptized, and the Holy Spirit descending as a dove—one of the clearest moments in Scripture that reveals the Triune nature of God.
  5. As a Priestly Commissioning – Just as Old Testament priests underwent ceremonial washing before entering ministry, Jesus’ baptism marked the beginning of His mission to bring salvation to the world.

Interestingly, while Jesus commanded His disciples to baptize others, He never baptized anyone Himself (John 3:22, 4:1-2). Why? Likely, so that no one could claim superiority by saying, “I was baptized by Jesus Himself.” His focus was on humility and service, not religious elitism.

The Role of Repentance in Lent

Lent is a time when we focus on repentance, and there is no better passage to study than Psalm 51—David’s prayer of confession after his grievous sins of adultery and murder. In his plea for mercy, David appeals not to his own righteousness but to God’s steadfast love and abundant mercy (Psalm 51:1).

We took a deep dive into three Hebrew words for sin used in this psalm:

  • Transgression (Pesha‘) – Meaning betrayal or treachery. Sin is not just breaking a rule; it is betraying God and His covenant.
  • Iniquity (‘Avon) – Meaning crookedness or a bent nature. We are not just sinners because we sin; we sin because we have a sinful nature.
  • Sin (Chattah) – Meaning missing the mark. Just as an arrow that fails to hit its target, sin causes us to fall short of God’s perfect standard.

David cries out for God’s cleansing:

“Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin” (Psalm 51:2).

He understands that only God can truly create a new heart within him (Psalm 51:10). His prayer reminds us that repentance is not just about feeling bad for our mistakes—it is about turning back to God, trusting in His mercy, and allowing Him to renew us from the inside out.

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

As we continue our journey through Lent, we must also reflect on why Jesus’ death was necessary. Couldn’t He have simply died in His sleep? Wouldn’t any death have paid the penalty for sin? The answer lies in the justice of God. For God to remain both just and merciful, sin had to be punished, but through Jesus’ sacrifice, He bore our punishment on Himself.

Jesus’ public crucifixion was not just about death—it was about ultimate obedience. He endured suffering, shame, and rejection, yet remained faithful to the Father’s will. In doing so, He became our substitute, ransom, and victory over sin and death.

Looking Ahead: The Meaning of the Cross

Next week, we will explore the different interpretations of the Cross, also known as the theories of atonement. These include:

  • Christus Victor (Jesus’ victory over Satan, sin, and death)
  • Penal Substitution (Jesus took our punishment)
  • Ransom Theory (Jesus’ life as a payment for many)
  • Moral Influence Theory (Jesus as our example of self-sacrificial love)

Each of these views reveals different aspects of the rich, multi-dimensional work of Christ on the cross. We often focus only on one perspective, but Scripture teaches us that Jesus’ death accomplished far more than we may realize.

Final Reflection

As we journey through Lent, let us remember:

  • Repentance is not just about confession—it’s about transformation.
  • Jesus’ baptism reminds us of our call to obedience and mission.
  • The Cross is the ultimate display of both God’s justice and love.

May this season lead us deeper into His grace as we prepare our hearts for the victory of Easter. What does repentance look like in your life today? Let’s reflect and walk this journey together.

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