(I was blocked out of my own account because of security adjustments made by one of my plugins. Sorry for the blackout!) Growing up in south Jersey I had access to some of the best Italian food on the planet. Even though my family isn’t Italian, we...
Many in the Reformed tradition criticize NT Wright for his interpretation of the Pauline doctrine of Justification. Listen in as Tom Wright debates the issue with James White.
There was a criticism raise against my book by an amazon reviewer specifically on my treatment of the doctrine of election (and predestination). Here, NT Wright speaks to the criticism. With this, SFP never claims to have the scope to go into great...
No one simply stumbles onto Jesus. There are always signposts to Jesus. There is always someone (or something) pointing the way to Jesus. We see this in the birth narrative of Jesus. For the Maggi, it’s the star. Even the cosmos point the way...
This is a warning that this post is a bit more academic. Read at your own risk! Living in Haiti has forced me to develop a deeper theology of suffering. Suffering has been at the center of my thinking for the past number of years and has become the...
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, do you wash my feet?” Jesus answered him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.” (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society...
Freedom is a theme that runs through Christianity. But what is freedom for the Christian? The strongest teaching of freedom that we find in the Bible is freedom from the shame and guilt of sin. Christianity espouses that every human being is born in...
The beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount have always intrigued me. For one, when I first read them they seem so simple, but the more I reflect on them at a greater depth, more complex contours begin to appear. Blessed are the poor in spirit Why...
I love the story of when Jesus heals the paralytic in Mark 2:1–12. In this story, Jesus’ popularity has grown to the point where there are so many people coming to see him that the paralytic and his friends cannot get to him. The crowds are...
Often times in scripture (especially in the Old Testament), there is an altar associated with worship (Gen 8:20–22, 12:6–8, 13:18, 22:9, 26:25, 33:20, 35:1–3; Ex 27:1–8, 30:1–10; Deut 27:4–8; Josh 8:30–31; Judges 6:24–27; 1 Sam 14:33–35; Mt...