We cannot miss how Paul, in the overall structure of the Epistle to the Romans, juxtaposes the contrast between Holy Spirit and the Torah as two different, but related means for sealing the covenants, both old and new. The Holy Spirit as the new...
The Kingdom is now, but not yet. Jesus’ rule has been established through the Cross and resurrection. Through faith in Jesus people are able to becomes citizens of the Kingdom. At the same time, the Kingdom is not yet. Jesus has yet to pronounce...
Paul, at every point, frames his theology within scripture’s meta-narrative of salvation. Paul cannot think about Jesus cut-off from the Old Testament. Jesus changed everything about how Paul understood Adam and Eve, the Garden, Abraham, Moses...
Why did Jesus die? Is there really a short and simple answer to this question? Can the most important event in human history really be summed up in one quick line? Think about the various kinds of answers we can come up with. We could give...
The Crucial Pillars of the New Perspective Going back to the original question, what is the gospel according to Paul? N. T. Wright has made a career out of answering this question. In his research, Wright has identified several crucial pillars that...
As already announced, I’m working on a manuscript titled Holiness in Fresh Perspective. The goal of the project is very specific: to situate the biblical doctrine of holiness within the new framework of understanding Paul’s thought and theology...
Scripture is clear on the fact that the fulfillment of God’s saving mission to the world will be manifest in the establishment of the New Creation. In that New Creation, heaven and earth are joined together (as binary and complementary parts) and...
There is a high level of irony at work in the moments of Christ’s death at Calvary. To fully understand the irony, we must grasp that it is the moment of Christ painful death on the cross that Jesus’s Messiahship comes to a head. This is the moment...