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Listen on Apple or Spotify. Satan is a created being and therefore not omnipresent. He can only be one place at once. This means he needs helpers to do his bidding. Those helpers are demons. What We Can Know about the Powers of Darkness They seek...
Jesus plainly teaches in Matthew 18:21–35 that people who are forgiven yet refuse to forgive others are evil (and will themselves go unforgiven). Grace is the means through which the Kingdom comes into the world. Yes, this means the grace that God...
The silver bullet to Spiritual Warfare is intimacy with Jesus. One of the primary strategies of Satan in keeping us from growing in Christ and to stunt effectiveness in ministry is to keep us ignorant of the power and authority we have in Jesus...
A brief study on Revelation 4:1–4. While there is some debate among scholars, what seems sure is that the 24 elders represent the whole people of God in the throne room of worship. This 24 are represented as the 12 tribes of Israel with the 12...
One of the unique challenges in Christian theology is the task of speaking about God—a Being who is eternal, infinite, and transcendent—through human language, which is finite, limited, and bound by created experience. This gap between the nature of...
Jesus’s atoning work means for genuine reconciliation with God. John 3:16—the most famous NT verse—says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but...
Like Jesus, we must be willing to whatever it takes to reach the unreached. We must be willing to sacrifice our preferences and our comforts to fulfill the call.
Last week there was a letter to the editor of the Northside Sun offering a preterist interpretation of the Bible’s (the New Testament in particular) teaching on eschatology (i.e., the Bible’s teaching on the end of all things). While well-written...