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Being Thankful is a Heart Posture

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American culture and worldview is most heavily shaped by economic concerns. This is the result of capitalism and industry being at the heart of American history and cultural persona. This is good in so many ways. It means that more people than ever are able to maintain a standard of living that is better than that of the majority world (standard of living is different, by the way, than a standard of life), and have access to good healthcare and education. Twenty-first century America is the richest nation human history has ever known.

So, now you’re expecting me to say something like, “let us be thankful.” Sorry to disappoint. What I will say, however, is that there is another side to that coin. While the middle-class is getting richer, and poorer classes have more opportunities than ever to do something about their economic situation, the economic concerns at the heart of America makes is harder than ever to be thankful. Isn’t that ironic?

How does this work? When our primary concern is going further, gaining more, getting richer, we subconsciously cultivate within ourselves a posture of never being satisfied. That’s what drives consumerism. There is always room for more. Yes, we can be fulfilled and satisfied for a short time, however, as the engine of capitalism drives the world around us forward, we look around and say, “I need more!” This means that as both consumers and produces, we are always left hungry for more. There’s no room for thankfulness here.

In America, enough is never enough.

So, how do we change this? We can’t, only God can. The Bible doesn’t only command us to be thankful, but commands us to shape our lives around thankfulness; it commands us to allow thanksgiving to be at the heart of who we are and what we do. Ultimately, as believers, we find our fulfillment in Jesus, not consumerism. All that we do in our day-to-day is done in light of what Jesus has done for us. This does away with anxiety and facilitates a spirit of thanks.

This is more difficult than it sounds. Breaking our heart posture out of the mold of consumerism means disciplined change. It means doing that which is unnatural. It is hardly difficult to be thankful for economic prosperity and good health. Can we, however, be thankful for the hardships and areas of pain in our lives (James 1:2, Romans 5:3–5, 1 Peter 4:13)? Our ability to be thankful for such things will ultimately reveal our maturity in Christ.

But why would I be thankful for pain, suffering, and hardships? The Bible makes it clear that through these things he shapes us into the image of his Son. Suffering, pain, and hardships reveal our areas of need and weakness; the areas where we need more grace and love in our lives. When we faithfully come through the other side of suffering, we look more like Jesus and less like the broken and corrupt humanity of the world. It is being like Jesus that we find eternal fulfillment. For this we are to be thankful.

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