Various people have various definitions of the Gospel of Christianity. Most North American protestant evangelicals would define the Gospel as the story of the substitutionary atonement in the Cross through Jesus that allows for the forgiveness of...
The more of N.T. Wright I read the more excited I become. To start, I find that his critique of Piper is spot on with specific regard to the following items: 1. Neglect of the covenant as the context for God’s saving the world. This point...
I wanted to share this with you. I read this just this morning in the Preface to N.T. Wright’s Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision and thought it was excellent. “Second, the question is about the means of salvation...
To be a Christian is to believe in a long list of mysteries. Let me explain. When you think about it, so many of the essential doctrines of the Church are paradoxes. A paradox, by definition, is a contradiction. For many this reality is a problem...
As an exclusivist, I believe that specific knowledge of the person and work of Jesus Christ (special revelation) is necessary for salvation (reconciliation between sinners and the Living, Holy, Triune God). I believe that the nature of faith...