Here is a link to a sermon I preached at Farmland Friends Church in Farmland, IN this summer. The title of the message is “Jesus Is The Gospel”. The sermon begins right around 24 minutes into the video.
Shabbat Shalom to all.
So I’m upping the ante on my reading in apocalyptic and eschatological literature. I encountered this quote yesterday and thought it worth sharing: Ideas have consequences. . . . At worst, such belief [in a rapture] is a form of escapism. The...
Even a completely innocent, self-giving act (such as the Cross) that is driven by love and compassion can, and will be perverted by the World. This reality, however, does not give license to do anything less than follow Jesus' example.
“He has now reconciled his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him” —Colossians 1:22 The Gospel is ultimately all about reconciliation. Undoubtedly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ...
Genealogies are important. The Bible lists many genealogies. The book of Genesis is structured around genealogies (the Hebrew phrase “elleh toledot“, which means, “these are the generations” demarcates each macro-section of...
The Cross and Resurrection together make up the only essential miracle of Jesus. Undoubtedly, the other miracles that Jesus performed are important. Not only are they important but they’re also fascinating. Jesus healed many, casted out demons...
October 31, 2014 How do we make sense of the fact that on the one hand, Jesus says that if any wishes to follow him he must take up his cross daily (Matt 16:2), and on the other hand he says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I...
C.S. Lewis, yet again, gives us another wonderful gem of a thought. Lately I’ve been overwhelmed by work. Task after task just keeps piling up on my desk. A PhD dissertation to finish, a book manuscript to edit, a seminary community to serve...
Many Christians struggle with understanding how the Old Testament and New Testament fit together. One of the particular ares of difficulty is understanding how the Mosaic Law (things such as food laws and other ceremonials laws) fits together with...
According to John 1:1, Jesus is the Word. Any commentary on John 1:1 will point out that John, with his choice of wording, “In the beginning…” is making a connection with Genesis 1:1. John wants us to understand Jesus in light of the creation (among...