The doctrine often referred to as “once saved, always saved” (also called “eternal security”) is widely held among some branches of evangelical Christianity. It teaches that once a person is truly saved, they can never lose...
Introduction The doctrine of election is one of the most significant and debated topics in Christian theology. It addresses how and why God chooses individuals or groups for salvation. Two major views on election are the Augustinian doctrine of...
A common accusation from Calvinists against Arminians is that Arminian theology undermines the doctrine of assurance of salvation. The argument goes as follows: if salvation can be forfeited, then believers can never have true confidence that they...
As to be expected (which is wonderful), I received a question about Romans 9:10–33 in response to this post. Here’s my response. While Calvinists interpret Romans 9:10–33 as a definitive affirmation of unconditional election—God choosing...
As Global Methodist clergy in Southern Baptist country, one of the doctrines that I get questioned about most is “once saved, always saved” (OSAS). Technically, OSAS is another way of referring to the “P” of Five-Point...