Something I’m not used to in American mainstream Christianity is all the topical sermons. In all the churches that I’ve visited in the past few weeks the sermons have almost ALWAYS centered on a topic (10 Steps to a Healthy Marriage...
When visiting churches in the US I notice that lots of pastors and preachers have exchanged the eternal truth of the Gospel for mere psychology and sociology. Rather recently I visited a large protestant evangelical church of a denomination for...
You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen — Ezekiel 2:7–8 It’s not uncommon for God to command his people to speak. Not only is it not uncommon, it’s quite regular. I can’t think of a single case where...
Excerpt from Holiness in Fresh Perspective: Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom (Wipf and Stock) God’s promises David that his offspring would be the one with the eternal anointing to rule over God’s people. In this promise rests the concept of the...
C.S. Lewis, yet again, gives us another wonderful gem of a thought. Lately I’ve been overwhelmed by work. Task after task just keeps piling up on my desk. A PhD dissertation to finish, a book manuscript to edit, a seminary community to serve...
The story of the Exodus is one of the more popular stories of the Old Testament. Not only that, but it is also one of the most important redemptive events in the Old Testament. It is during this event that God sends Moses to save his people from...
I find that many Christians believe that after we die we spend eternity in heaven. This is not true. It is true, however, that when we die our spirits go to be with Jesus (Phil 1:23; Luke 23:43). However, many fail to understand that this is a sort...
As an exclusivist, I believe that specific knowledge of the person and work of Jesus Christ (special revelation) is necessary for salvation (reconciliation between sinners and the Living, Holy, Triune God). I believe that the nature of faith...