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This is from my lovely wife.

We are over in the Dominican Republic for a few days, where the tourism industry actually makes a night or two away far cheaper than a night or two away in Haiti.

The internet is as poor as our Spanish, the food as decent-ish as the roads and “grocery store” (those quotes are there for a reason), but the quick time away and the company is as priceless as the untouched scenery of His creation.

A few quieter days in a quieter place in the desert draws me to so many reminders.

I am reminded of my sheer gratitude for my husband and children, and an overflowing-grateful heart for a finally-herself-again Nora. Whether all that was Zika or Roseola, or teeth we may never know, but she is finally her happy self again, after weeks, and I am so thankful. 

I am reminded how very very important kindness is. Of all the wit and humor and intelligence and insight in the world, I wonder as I age if sheer and simple kindness trumps them all. He has been so incredibly and undeservedly kind and gracious to me…I wonder if I could ever live to share just a minuscule fraction of that kindness with others.

I am reminded how God is at work, and how Satan is at work, too. I wasn’t until we stepped away that we realized that in the last 20 days, all three of our current major projects at Emmaus have been threatened by various and totally unexpected relational issues. We are recommitted to refusing to allow Satan any victory in any relationships, and recommitted to being on guard and firmly planted.

I am reminded how important the ministry of discipleship of our children is. How easy it is to let small things slide, in them and in our own walks. How easy it is to let the standard of Christ take a back seat, in our parenting and in our own lives. How much discipline and hard-work it takes to constantly be seeking Him and deliberately parenting-in-Him our children. How necessary that is. 

I am reminded of how faithful and great and deep and wide His love is. I am reminded how fleeting so much that consumes us is…I am reminded of my focus on His work at hand.

I am reminded of pains still needing daily forgiven at His forgiving feet until I realize one day that I no longer harbor anything but love and compassion.

I am reminded of ways I have settled for less than His best in my heart and life, and ways I must recommit to His best, not mine…not easiest. 

I am reminded of my great need. I am reminded of His great sacrifice. I am reminded of His great grace.

That’s all worthy of 3 days away, this Easter.

What’s He reminding you of lately?

Matt is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Madison, Mississippi.

Further reading

Whatever It Takes

Luke 7:36–50 tells the story of a “sinful woman” who Jesus forgives. As the story goes, Jesus is eating with a Pharisee at the...

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