We can only imagine what it must have been like for everyone the day after Jesus’ resurrection. Learning of his resurrection must have been...
Articles and Writing
View allNo one imagined it. It came as a surprise to all. Everything thought they knew what God was planning. They believed that they knew what God would do...
Today is the day of the great confusion. The day of silence. The day of frustration. God had been working so clearly in their midst through the Jesus...
Through the greatest injustice known in all human history, God brings justice to the world. This is a testimony to his sovereignty and transcendence...
Running through the Gospel according to John is a theme of dark/light. Some (not exhaustive) Examples: Do you remember the first chapter? “In...
What is Easter all about? Some would contend that Easter is all about dying and going to heaven as is symbolized in the story of the resurrection of...