We see a sweet, yet bitter contrast in the story of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah stood head and shoulders above his follow Israelites. He was revered as...
Articles and Writing
View allI recently had the privilege of writing a chapter for the forthcoming book, Leadership the Wesleyan Way. The title of my chapter assignment was...
The Bible is full of stories. Furthermore, those stories have main characters (as all good stories do). One of the wonderful things about stories and...
The book of Ezekiel is fascinating. There is content in Ezekiel that is unlike any other book of the Bible. Of particular interest is the first three...
The opening chapter of the book of Exodus presents a problem. It’s not just any problem, it’s a big problem. The entire family of God...
One of the greatest examples of worship inside of the Scriptures is Isaiah 6. It’s not the prophet himself that does the worshipping (at least...