Easter and the resurrection of Jesus reminds us that the Kingdom of God is both now, and not yet. How does this work? The resurrection of Jesus...
Articles and Writing
View all“Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (1 Co 15:54–55) God is so powerful that He was able...
Psalm 1 (along with Psalm 2) introduces the book of Psalms as a whole. It does so by implying a comparison of the five books of the Psalms (Book 1:...
I love blue claw crabs. I grew up eating them at my grandpa’s house. Every summer, he would take us out on his pontoon boat to fish in the...
Living in Haiti for the past ten years has really forced me to develop a clear theology of suffering. With pervasive poverty on a daily basis, the...
It’s important that we read the Bible on its own terms. If the Bible says about itself that it is inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16), then, by faith, we...