During the season of Lent, we should be praying more. Many people are intimidated by prayer because they have never been taught how to pray. Most...
Articles and Writing
View allLast week I made a quick trip to the US. One of my favorite things about visiting the US is the food. This trip was to Texas, which meant Texas BBQ...
What is Lent? Lent (coming from the Anglo Saxon word meaning “spring”) is the forty-day period (not counting Sundays) leading up to...
It’s customary in Haiti for people to get married at the end of the calendar year. This being the case, we usually have our share of weddings...
The name “Christmas” has its origins in the Roman Catholic tradition of having a special mass to commemorate the birth of the Christ...
Things were a political mess when Jesus was born. The Romans, who controlled Palestine at the time of Jesus birth, were constantly pushing back...