Funny thing, I was going to write a post on John Wesley’s ordo salutis (Latin: “order of salvation“), then I found this (thanks Seedbed). I’m traveling at the moment (yes, again) and will be back to normal posting soon.
The concept of the faithfulness of God (Gr. dikaiosyne theou) in Paul is a hot topic for the New Perspective vs. Old Perspective dialogue. The New Perspective argues (quite strongly) that Paul never talks about the faithfulness of of God in...
What does it mean to be “saved” according to the Bible? This is a tricky question for a number of reasons. To start, the Bible is a complex book. It has countless characters, historical contexts, and theological motifs. After all, full...
The moment of the cross is not only the moment of penal substation.The cross is (among many things) also the moment of covenant fulfillment and creation. Through Jesus’ death God both fulfills his covenant promises to Abraham and even begins a...
I mentioned in my last post that Jesus’ teaching was subtle. I chalked this up to the vastness of his teaching. I said that the reason he was so subtle is because what he was saying was so multi-faceted that one cannot grasp it all at first glance...
There’s a popular Christian video out right now called “The Gospel in Four Minutes”. I admit that it’s interesting, creative, and even quite sound theologically. However, there is one thing I wish to take up with it. I...
I’m currently reading in John 6. This is the “I am the bread of life” chapter. Jesus, in teaching about himself as the bread of life, makes a strong connection between bread of life and eternal life. He also has quite a bit to say...
The Bible plainly teaches that there is nothing that humanity can do to save itself collectively, or individually. No one is able, in their own strength and effort, to put right that which was lost in the Garden of Eden. In fact, the very attempt to...
I wanted to share this with you. I read this just this morning in the Preface to N.T. Wright’s Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision and thought it was excellent. “Second, the question is about the means of salvation...
John Wesley’s doctrine of Christian Perfection is most-times misunderstood by its opponents. John Wesley never taught that Christians should be sinless or could achieve sinlessness in this life. John Wesley believed that sinless Christian...