As to be expected (which is wonderful), I received a question about Romans 9:10–33 in response to this post. Here’s my response. While Calvinists interpret Romans 9:10–33 as a definitive affirmation of unconditional election—God choosing...
In today’s individualistic culture, many professing Christians believe they can have a relationship with Christ while remaining unaffiliated with any church. However, the historic and biblical understanding of salvation affirms that being a member...
(I was blocked out of my own account because of security adjustments made by one of my plugins. Sorry for the blackout!) Growing up in south Jersey I had access to some of the best Italian food on the planet. Even though my family isn’t Italian, we...
Many in the Reformed tradition criticize NT Wright for his interpretation of the Pauline doctrine of Justification. Listen in as Tom Wright debates the issue with James White.
There was a criticism raise against my book by an amazon reviewer specifically on my treatment of the doctrine of election (and predestination). Here, NT Wright speaks to the criticism. With this, SFP never claims to have the scope to go into great...
This is a warning that this post is a bit more academic. Read at your own risk! Living in Haiti has forced me to develop a deeper theology of suffering. Suffering has been at the center of my thinking for the past number of years and has become the...
Funny thing, I was going to write a post on John Wesley’s ordo salutis (Latin: “order of salvation“), then I found this (thanks Seedbed). I’m traveling at the moment (yes, again) and will be back to normal posting soon.
The concept of the faithfulness of God (Gr. dikaiosyne theou) in Paul is a hot topic for the New Perspective vs. Old Perspective dialogue. The New Perspective argues (quite strongly) that Paul never talks about the faithfulness of of God in...
What does it mean to be “saved” according to the Bible? This is a tricky question for a number of reasons. To start, the Bible is a complex book. It has countless characters, historical contexts, and theological motifs. After all, full...
The moment of the cross is not only the moment of penal substation.The cross is (among many things) also the moment of covenant fulfillment and creation. Through Jesus’ death God both fulfills his covenant promises to Abraham and even begins a...