On May 25th my new book The Holy Spirit: An Introduction will be available to purchase. You can also pre-order or get the Kindle version now. Here is a link to the book and below a trailer for the book.
Read the post here on Seedbed’s website.
This is an excerpt from an upcoming book to be published by Seedbed. We began our journey with Moses and the burning bush. In that story, God commanded Moses to take off his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. The ground was holy because...
Repentance is an about turn away from sin and the rebellious heart-posture towards the presence of God. Repentance is ceasing to resist the truth.[1] Repentance, by definition, is a zealous, resolute change, that is required for salvation, and...
There are a number of New Testament passages that associate the concepts of the new age of the Spirit, believer unity, covenant membership, and indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the symbols of the temple, Christ’s body, the Eucharist, table...
Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers; and the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. — 1 Samuel 16:13 The first two times the word “oil” appears in Scripture, it symbolizes...
The Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud by day, to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light, so that they might travel by day and by night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by...
And why did He call the grace of the Spirit water? Because by water all things subsist; because water brings forth grass and living things; because the water of the showers comes down from heaven — Cyril of Jerusalem Water is one of the most...