Holiness in Fresh Perspective: Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom is the title of my book that is schedule for release in 2015 (Wipf & Stock). The goal of Holiness in Fresh Perspective is to take fresh look at Paul’s understanding of...
The Old Testament prophets always seem to be so angry with God’s people. One time I was leading a BIble study when someone said, “I don’t read the prophetic literature because it’s so full of anger, judgment and wrath. I...
I’ve been known to point out that the resurrection of Jesus is not about dying and going to heaven, but about the new creation. This theme of new creation is crucial in the gospel accounts and we often times miss it, unfortunately. The goal of...
John’s gospel is unique in so many ways in comparison to Matthew, Mark and Luke. One of the things making John’s gospel unique is the story of the wedding at Cana; it’s one of my favorite stories in the gospel material. One of the things that I love...
The start of a year is the time to reflect on history. We remember the highlights of the previous year. The good things, the bad things, and perhaps even the mundane things. Each year we look forward, in light of our past, with new goals in mind...
Isaiah 40–55 is one of the most fascinating texts found in the Scriptures. In this section of Isaiah God both describes and promises redemption for his people. Upon doing so, he launches into a polemic against false gods created by man. Something...
One of my favorite My Utmost entries is from Dec 2, so I had to share it today: It is a snare to imagine that God wants to make us perfect specimens of what He can do; God’s purpose is to make us one with Himself. The emphasis of holiness movements...
Don’t underestimate what God can do through you. When we do this, we’re not underestimating ourselves, but God. We must remember that of all the people Jesus could have chose to change the world he chose uneducated fisherman. The...
Jesus said this often. The question is why? What did Jesus mean when he said this? After all, Jesus was a great teacher. At the same time, there were some pretty enigmatic things that Jesus said. After all, aren’t we still arguing quite a bit...
You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen — Ezekiel 2:7–8 It’s not uncommon for God to command his people to speak. Not only is it not uncommon, it’s quite regular. I can’t think of a single case where...