I was recently visiting with some wonderful Christian men and women at a church in Waco, Texas. They invited me to come to share about ministry in Haiti. Many of the people I spoke with had never been to Haiti before. This meant that when they asked...
The Bible is full of stories. Furthermore, those stories have main characters (as all good stories do). One of the wonderful things about stories and characters therein is that the characters become our way into the story. That is, we are able to...
And Jesus said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous buy sinners to repentance. — Luke 5:31–32 Grace is a one of the most essential components of Christian belief and...
The book of Ezekiel is fascinating. There is content in Ezekiel that is unlike any other book of the Bible. Of particular interest is the first three chapters where we find the prophet’s inaugural vision where he sees heavenly beings and the...
In Matthew 7, “Jesus moves from personal temptations to interpersonal temptations” (ESV Study Bible Notes). This means that our relationship with others is on par with our relationship with the Father in terms of importance. Ultimately...
The opening chapter of the book of Exodus presents a problem. It’s not just any problem, it’s a big problem. The entire family of God, the chosen people, are being held captive in Egypt by the most power person alive at the time...
I love the story of when Jesus heals the paralytic in Mark 2:1–12. In this story, Jesus’ popularity has grown to the point where there are so many people coming to see him that the paralytic and his friends cannot get to him. The crowds are...
From My Utmost for His Highest; July 30 (Oswald Chambers, emphasis original) Jesus did not commit Himself unto them … for He knew what was in man. John 2:24–25 Disillusionment means that there are no more false judgments in life. To be undeceived by...
One of the greatest examples of worship inside of the Scriptures is Isaiah 6. It’s not the prophet himself that does the worshipping (at least it’s not recorded that Isaiah worshipped God in the moment of the revelation), rather, it is...
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. — Matthew 16:25 I continue to be amazed by the depth of holy wisdom from Oswald Chambers. The first line of the July 11th devo from My Utmost for His...