There is something very powerful and very sacred about the simple life. The life that finds God’s gracious and glorious presence even in the mundane. Simplicity makes the profane sacred. Simplicity is the attempt eliminate means of distraction...
This is from my wife’s blog. It was so good I just had to share it. You can read it in its original location here. Matt has arrived safely in Atlanta and is very excited to be at the Society of Biblical Literature conference this weekend! We...
The book of Genesis is one of my favorite books in the Scriptures. There are numerous fascinating characters, events, charming stories, and ultimately a message of hope for a fallen world. This theme of hope is wrapped up in another major theme of...
There is no part of our lives that Jesus isn’t interested in. He’s interested in all of it. Every bit of it. This idea can be quite unnerving. Each of us have things in our lives that are so deep, so secret, so hidden, and so painful...
Today I read the following testimony. “In 1975, our house was robbed. My father called 911 and the officer who received the dispatch raced to our house. While on the way, the policeman heard Jesus say to him, “Tell the person you meet...
When people hear that I’m a missionary in Haiti, many of them ask, “Aren’t you afraid?” The answer is always NO. Haitian voudou, like all mystic and pagan-anamistic worldview and religions, is one of fear and intimidation...
We see a sweet, yet bitter contrast in the story of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah stood head and shoulders above his follow Israelites. He was revered as the most spiritual one in the land. He was the one to whom everyone looked to hear a word from the...
A day must come in our lives, as definite as the day of our conversion, when we give up all right to ourselves and submit to the absolute Lordship of Christ, surrendering ourselves, our loved ones, our possessions, our present, and our future. It’s...
Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey starred together in the 1997 film Contact. About halfway through the film Dr. Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster), who is an agnostic scientist and the protagonist of the film, introduces the theory of Occam’s...
From the outset of the Scriptures, God forbids his people to create idols. In the ancient world, idols not only represent gods, but were also the physical manifestation of the gods. The idol was the incarnation of the deity. The ancients believed...