John’s gospel is unique in so many ways in comparison to Matthew, Mark and Luke. One of the things making John’s gospel unique is the story of the wedding at Cana; it’s one of my favorite stories in the gospel material. One of the things that I love...
Protestant evangelicalism has inherited a tradition of thinking about the gospel primary in terms of me and my sin crisis. This was the context for Luther’s insightful break through on the idea (that had aways been there in the text) that we’re...
I’ve recently been studying the historical events that transpired between the Old and New Testaments (also known as the Intertestamental Period or Second Temple Judaism). This study has been motivated by the desire to have a clearer image of the...
An excellent write-up by D. Wallace. A little long, but worth it.
“Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” —Luke 5:5 No one comes into the kingdom through human effort. Along with this...
All God’s dealings with people rest on the basis that they are sinners in need of salvation (cf. Rom. 3:23). To deny that we have sinned is to make him out to be a liar. Put negatively this means his word has no place in our lives. In many parts of...
Well, I’m headed out of town until Dec 23 and you won’t be hearing from me because I will have very limited internet access. You’ll hear from me soon after the 23rd!
I’m currently reading in John 6. This is the “I am the bread of life” chapter. Jesus, in teaching about himself as the bread of life, makes a strong connection between bread of life and eternal life. He also has quite a bit to say...
One of the dominate themes that comes into play in the birth narrative of Jesus is light appearing in the midst of darkness. Often times folks overlook the simple fact that Jesus is born at night. While this may seem to be a rather arbitrary feature...
Give up yourself, and you will find your real self. Lose your life and you will save it. Submit to death, the death of your ambitions and favorite wishes every day and the death of your whole body in the end: Submit with every fiber of your being...