I really appreciate Oswald Chambers. He had a sharp mind. I don’t know how many times I’ve read My Utmost for His Highest and it’s still my first choice for a daily devo. Through Chambers, God has often times corrected my theology (good theology, by...
So what are some of the pivotal paradoxes of Christian theology? The list if endless. There are a few, however, that I sense are more important for the current Church to be reminded of: 1. The Trinity: God is Three, but One 2. The Nature of Jesus:...
To be a Christian is to believe in a long list of mysteries. Let me explain. When you think about it, so many of the essential doctrines of the Church are paradoxes. A paradox, by definition, is a contradiction. For many this reality is a problem...
The Christian season of Advent celebrates and remembers the coming of God to His people via the incarnation. One of the recurring themes found in the Hebrew prophets is God’s promise to come and dwell with His covenantal people. There is a certain...
I’d like to respond to this question by first rewording it a bit. Rather than responding to the question, “How much of the Bible should a person know before accepting Jesus as their Savior?”, I would like to respond to the question, “How much of...
This post, by no means claiming to be exhaustive, suggests three reasons why evangelism and the topic of revelation are necessarily connected: (1) because of the nature of the person of Jesus Christ, (2) because of the nature of the Gospel, and (3)...
Preface: This is the first part of a series on the limits of human logic in Christian faith. There will be more to come. I’ve always had a keen interest in the wisdom literature of the Hebrew Bible. Even before receiving the gift of faith, my...
So, I had an interesting debate today with a potential adjunct professor. Knowing that he was of the Calvinist tradition, I probed a bit. I asked him first if he embraced 5-Point Calvinism. As he looked a bit baffled and confused (assumingly because...
C.S. Lewis’ thought life continues to amaze me. He was decades ahead of his time in many ways by addressing issues that are the center of the theologically competent mind today. In his letter “The Weight of Glory”, Lewis addresses...
Introduction Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is one of the most thoroughly treated texts of Old Testament studies. The text has received heightened consideration because it represents a unique Old Testament passage that speaks of a (seemingly) messianic figure...