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CategoryArticles and Writing

He’s That Powerful

The book of Genesis is one of my favorite books in the Scriptures. There are numerous fascinating characters, events, charming stories, and ultimately a message of hope for a fallen world. This theme of hope is wrapped up in another major theme of...

Voudou and Fear

When people hear that I’m a missionary in Haiti, many of them ask, “Aren’t you afraid?” The answer is always NO. Haitian voudou, like all mystic and pagan-anamistic worldview and religions, is one of fear and intimidation...

Elijah and Elisha

We see a sweet, yet bitter contrast in the story of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah stood head and shoulders above his follow Israelites. He was revered as the most spiritual one in the land. He was the one to whom everyone looked to hear a word from the...

Holiness and Power

I recently had the privilege of writing a chapter for the forthcoming book, Leadership the Wesleyan Way. The title of my chapter assignment was “Holiness and Power: The Recapitulation of Power in the Book of Isaiah”. The chapter explores...

Ezekiel's Message

The book of Ezekiel is fascinating. There is content in Ezekiel that is unlike any other book of the Bible. Of particular interest is the first three chapters where we find the prophet’s inaugural vision where he sees heavenly beings and the...

Live for Another

The books of 1 and 2 Samuel (and in the Hebrew it’s just the single book “Samuel) are pivotal in the overall scheme of God’s World Renewal Plan. These books, even though named after Samuel the prophet, are all about David. But wait...

The Struggle

Living in Haiti for eight years now has forced me to think a lot about what it means to struggle. Webster’s defines “struggle” as “to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems.” This word best...


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