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CategoryArticles and Writing

Incline Your Heart

In this post I wrote about the phrase, “incline your ear” as an idiom meaning “please pay attention!” I said that this frequent expression in the Psalms reminds us that it’s okay to feel desperate in the Christian life and that God expects us to...

Incline Your Ear

The phrase “incline your ear” appears in the Bible approximately seventy-six times. As is relatively evident, it generally means “pay attention!” It appears a lot in the book of Psalms when the psalmist asks God to incline His ear to the psalmist’s...

Change the World

The opening story in the Old Testament book of Samuel features two female characters: (1) Hannah, and (2) Peninah. Hannah and Peninah are the wives of Elkanah. The storyteller explains why Elkanah has two wives. He has two wives because Hannah, his...

The Kingdom is Now, But Not Yet

Easter and the resurrection of Jesus reminds us that the Kingdom of God is both now, and not yet. How does this work? The resurrection of Jesus ushered in a new era in the larger scope of human history. Jews during Jesus’s time believed that human...

The Creative Power of God

“Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (1 Co 15:54–55) God is so powerful that He was able to take the ugliest and worst part of human existence and made it beautiful. The resurrection of...


Psalm 1 (along with Psalm 2) introduces the book of Psalms as a whole. It does so by implying a comparison of the five books of the Psalms (Book 1: 1–41; Book 2: 42–72; Book 3: 73–89; Book 4: 90–107; Book 5: 107–150) with the first five books of the...


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