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CategoryArticles and Writing

Son of Man

I recently had a conversation with a guy who wanted to know why Jesus constantly called himself “Son of Man”. The reason is because he is the True Adam; pure human. Jesus is what “man” (read “humanity”) was always...

Knowing the Artist

Psalm 19 is one of my favorite psalms. Among scholars it’s known as a wisdom psalm as it focuses on the particular topic of revelation (like Psalm 1, and Psalm 119). The central point of the Psalm is to remind God’s people that their God...

The Bride of Christ: It’s You

There is an interesting story in the New Testament where Jesus has a conversation with a woman at a well (John 4). The story goes that Jesus, in traveling from one Jewish town (Jerusalem) to another (Galilee), passed through a foreign land (Samaria)...

Saved from What?

What does it mean to the “saved”? Different people answer this question different ways, and the answer to the question is as complex and vast as the Bible itself. Typically, folks define salvation according to the biblical notion as...

An Invitation to Rest

An essential aspect of Christian rest is rest from sinning. We’re able to be victorious over the task master of sin (the “sin nature”) through the sustaining presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In Romans 7:14–20, Paul...

He Makes Things Beautiful

Living in Haiti, I’ve learned that culture eats strategy for breakfast. It’s my job as the President of Emmaus Biblical Seminary to strategically plan for the short term and long term future of the school. My team and I regularly...

Big Plans

If you’re anything like me, when someone criticizes you or confronts you, you take on a defensive posture. That sort of reaction, as we all know, merely drives our heels more deeply into the ground of our stubbornness and pride—moving us away...

The Way to Die

Why did Jesus have to die the way that he did? We know why Jesus died. He died for political reasons. He was thought to be a potentially threatening freedom fighter for the Jews and the Kingdom of God. Anyone who hints at challenging Rome ended up...


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