Next week is the most important week in the history of the world. Next week commemorates the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. These are the events that changed the world forever. So, what are the events of this week all about? Why did Jesus...
Leaven, or yeast, comes up a lot in the Bible. We first see it in the story of the exodus when God tells Israel not to put leaven in their bread the night before He delivers them from the captivity in Egypt (Ex. 12). God further explains to Moses...
There’s a strange story in the Old Testament about when the Philistines—the enemies of the Israelites—stole the Ark of the Covenant after a battle. After they stole the Ark—a wooden box that symbolized the presence of the God of Israel—they put it...
We’ve been having political problems again here in Haiti. Many US news outlets have stopped reporting on problems in Haiti because people are simply tired of hearing about it. Round and around Haiti goes with its problems and unending poverty...
“Sanctification” is a big, and sometimes scary word. Among some Christians the word is entirely foreign. This is strange to me. It’s strange to me because the Bible has a whole lot to say about sanctification. In fact, one could argue that...
It doesn’t take long for people in Haiti to figure out that I’m a foreigner. For starters, I’m not the same color. Add to this my funny accent and clumsiness when it comes to social protocols and etiquette. No matter how well adapted I could become...
One of the most mind-blowing, inexplicable aspects of the Christmas-commemorating incarnation of God in Jesus is that the mysteriously terrifying yet fascinating holiness of God is wrapped up in innocent, gentle, weak human flesh. The terrifying...
At Christmas time we celebrate that God became incarnate in Jesus Christ and walked amongst us. This is an amazing, world-altering idea. God in flesh. For years before Jesus, if you wanted to be in God’s presence you would have to go to the temple...
C.S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity, reflects on Jesus’s incarnation with this: “Did you ever think, when you were a child, what fun it would be if your toys could come to life? Well suppose you could really have brought them to life. Imagine turning a...
God is more interested in your holiness than your happiness. This goes against the grain of common culture. Common culture tells us to pursue happiness. Pursue your dreams. Aim high. Shoot for the stars. Do what makes you happy. Only pursue a career...