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CategoryArticles and Writing

The Kingdom is Now, But Not Yet

Easter and the resurrection of Jesus reminds us that the Kingdom of God is both now, and not yet. How does this work? The resurrection of Jesus ushered in a new era in the larger scope of human history. Jews during Jesus’s time believed that human...

The Creative Power of God

“Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (1 Co 15:54–55) God is so powerful that He was able to take the ugliest and worst part of human existence and made it beautiful. The resurrection of...


Psalm 1 (along with Psalm 2) introduces the book of Psalms as a whole. It does so by implying a comparison of the five books of the Psalms (Book 1: 1–41; Book 2: 42–72; Book 3: 73–89; Book 4: 90–107; Book 5: 107–150) with the first five books of the...

Never Fully Satisfied

I love blue claw crabs. I grew up eating them at my grandpa’s house. Every summer, he would take us out on his pontoon boat to fish in the Delaware Bay, and then on the way in from fishing, we would snatch up the crab traps and have fresh...

God Wastes Nothing

Living in Haiti for the past ten years has really forced me to develop a clear theology of suffering. With pervasive poverty on a daily basis, the 2010 earthquake that took the lives of nearly 200,000 people, and the long list if human injustices...

The Solution is a Person

The solution to the world’s problems is a person, not a thing. I’m grateful for this. I’ve been serving as the President of Emmaus Biblical Seminary in Haiti since 2012. Since that time, the institution has faced its share of...

The Incarnation—Tough Stuff

Serious Christians take the Bible seriously. Taking the Bible seriously is a dangerous thing. It’s dangerous because there are things in the Bible that are hard to understand. There are also commands to Christians in the Bible that are hard to carry...


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