The genealogy of Jesus has always been intriguing to me. What an unusual way to start the final, and most climatic part of the great story of God’s salvation plan for the creation—a list of names. So what’s the importance of the genealogy of Jesus...
“Grace and peace to you,” is the Apostle Paul’s favorite blessing. We see this blessing time and time again at the start of almost each one of Paul’s letters found in the New Testament. How fitting this is in that this is really, in large part, what...
Faith Should Not Follow Feelings, but Feelings Should Follow Faith — Part II Have you ever noticed that our feelings are not always in alignment with truth? In fact, some people argue that our feelings are rarely in alignment with truth. In fact...
The story of the fall of humanity in Genesis 3 is one of the most popular and memorable stories in the Bible. There are a number of features of the story that make it memorable. Simply the idea of a pure and innocent place grabs our attention. We...
A quick blurb from Holiness in Fresh Perspective: Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom (Wipf and Stock, expected 2014). When we lose the complex backdrop of God’s World Renewal Plan when reading the New Testament and interpreting God’s salvation into our...
In the historical books we read the details of the tragedy of Israel. There are certainly moments of victory, but most of the developments and pivots in Israel’s story are, sadly, defeats. The book of judges depicts a tribal confederation that all...
I find that most people have the wrong idea of what the biblical doctrine of election is. Most people think that Calvin’s conception of election is synonymous with the biblical doctrine of election. I don’t believe this to be the case...
(From Holiness in Fresh Perspective: Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom. Wipf and Stock, expected 2014) Faith was the subject matter in the patriarchal stories, and here, once again, in the story of the Exodus and desert wanderings, we have faith as the...
(from Holiness in Fresh Perspective: Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom; Wipf & Stock, expected 2014) Another intriguing dynamic we find in the meta-narrative of Scripture is that it becomes apparent that God, as a part of his design, has created...
(from Holiness in Fresh Perspective: Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom. Wipf & Stock, expected 2014). Another dimension of holiness that emerges when we look at it with the interpretive lens of the New Perspective is holiness as mission. This...