Why did God let Pharaoh think that he was in control? This is one of those parts of the Exodus account that intrigues me. Certainly God could have freed Israel in one fell swoop. Are all those plagues really necessary? If it was the death of the...
God meets our needs to prepare us for greater things. Often times we make the mistake of thinking that God meets our needs for our purposes. He certainly meets our needs because he love us, but his meeting of human needs is never the end game...
This is from Stacey’s blog about the message Junior and I preached yesterday. She’s an excellent writer. Enjoy! Sunday’s when Matt and Junior preach together are my very favorite, always. Neither of them were planning on...
The powers of the world are relentless. This comes out in the story of the Exodus. It’s a story we all know so well. One of the more memorable parts of the story is at the end where the walls of water come crashing down on Pharaoh’s army...
This is from my wife’s blog. It gives an update on ministry in Haiti and some much needed time off for our family. Alright. I’m going to try to catch everything up of the sweet craziness of life in one fatal swoop. We still have some...
Holiness in Fresh Perspective: Covenant, Cross, and Kingdom is the title of my book that is schedule for release in 2015 (Wipf & Stock). The goal of Holiness in Fresh Perspective is to take fresh look at Paul’s understanding of...
Be Holy As Your Father in Heaven is Holy (1 Peter 1:15) This is a tough command! Some even argue that the command to be holy as God is holy is unachievable. At the same time, I don’t think that Jesus would command his followers to something that...
Ethics and faith are inseparable. This means that what we believe shapes and directly impacts how we behave. We’re not always aware of why we have certain behaviors, but if we look close enough, and are honest with ourselves, the cause can be...
I was in Port-au-Prince, Haiti just a couple of weeks ago teaching a Masters course for Indiana Wesleyan University for 40 Haitian students. The title of the course was Exegetical Analysis of the Gospels. The core of the course focused on methodical...
Latest from my wife’s blog. Thought I would share. As I’ve been working through the old law of Hebrews, the old sacrifices, the priests, the blood…Hebrews 10:19, the New and Living Way this morning is just too good not to share...