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AuthorMatt Ayars

Matt is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Madison, Mississippi.

Episode 47

Giving Up Our Rights

A day must come in our lives, as definite as the day of our conversion, when we give up all right to ourselves and submit to the absolute Lordship of Christ, surrendering ourselves, our loved ones, our possessions, our present, and our future. It’s...

Episode 124

The Golden Rule

Raising kids has reminded me that we don’t always know what’s best for ourselves, even as adults. This seems simple, but this is really is the issue at the heart of the brokenness of humanity. This is ultimately what has gone wrong. This very point...

Episode 40

Freedom in Jesus

Freedom is a theme that runs through Christianity. But what is freedom for the Christian? The strongest teaching of freedom that we find in the Bible is freedom from the shame and guilt of sin. Christianity espouses that every human being is born in...


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