A friend of mine recently gave me a tallit as a gift. A tallit, for those who may not know, is a Jewish prayer shall. This particular tallit is of the messianic kind (made by and for cultural and ethnic Jews who believe in Jesus as the Messiah), and...
Simon Peter arrived just after him. He entered the tomb and saw the linen cloths lying there. — John 20:6 One of the interesting details of the story of the resurrection is the folded linens that they found where Jesus dead body once laid. One can...
There is never a moment when God doesn’t have a plan. This is true both in the big picture, as well as the small. God has a plan for the course of events in history, and God has a plan for the gritty details of each of our lives. Political crisis...
Many in the Reformed tradition criticize NT Wright for his interpretation of the Pauline doctrine of Justification. Listen in as Tom Wright debates the issue with James White.
In this post I talked about the illuminating and convicting work of the Holy Spirit in believers. Here, I want to talk about the EMPOWERING work of the Holy Spirit because these two dynamics go together. They workl together in the sense that the...
In this post I talked about how worldview shapes the lens through which we read scripture (i.e., creates our hermeneutical framework). I said that the hermeneutical principle that the “plain meaning of the text is usually the correct meaning...
As I read the Easter passage today, I wonder why Christ let them come to the tomb expecting him to be dead. Granted, we can’t be sure exactly at what time he arose, but could he not have met them prior to their arrival at the grave? Why is the...
What is the resurrection of Jesus all about? There are many valid interpretations of the story of the resurrection. For starters, Jesus’ resurrection foreshadows the resurrection of believers at the time of his return. In addition to this, it...
This is from my lovely wife. We are over in the Dominican Republic for a few days, where the tourism industry actually makes a night or two away far cheaper than a night or two away in Haiti. The internet is as poor as our Spanish, the food as...