In this post, I wrote about Jesus needing to correct people’s misconceptions about the Kingdom of God. I said that he did so by comparing the Kingdom to both a mustard seed and leaven. I want to add to this. Jesus was doing this same thing...
One the problems that Jesus faced during his ministry on earth was people’s misconception of the Kingdom of God. They had certain expectations as to what the Kingdom of God would be like, but they were wrong. This is why Jesus spent much of...
Every family has a junk drawer. The junk drawer is home to the scissors, Scotch tape, postage stamps, dried up pens, dull pencils, rubber bands, fingernail clippers, paperclips, Post-its, the eyeglass repair kit, and of course, the phone charger. I...
During the season of Lent, we should be praying more. Many people are intimidated by prayer because they have never been taught how to pray. Most people know that praying means talking to God, but strangely enough, it is very seldom that people are...
I’m a terrible golfer, but I go golfing anyway. Occasionally I’ll even go golfing alone, which I enjoy. When golfing alone, I’ll often get paired up with other players to speed up the pace of play when the course is crowded...
Last week I made a quick trip to the US. One of my favorite things about visiting the US is the food. This trip was to Texas, which meant Texas BBQ. This was going to be magical—a true Easter miracle. This particular Texas BBQ restaurant, to my...
Mardi Gras is a big deal in Haiti. Mardi Gras, in French means “Fat (gras) Tuesday (mardi)”. Fat Tuesday is always celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday which is the start of the Lenten season. The Lenten season is the seven-week...
I’m a stress eater. When things in life and ministry are crazy, when I feel like I’m losing control at work or at home, I eat. It makes me feel better. I makes me feel better because when I can’t exercise control in other...
Have you ever noticed that there is a pattern to the kinds of conditions and illnesses that Jesus heals in the New Testament? For example, on more than one occasion Jesus heals leprosy (Matt 8:1–4, Mark 1:40–45, and Luke 5:12–16), paralysis (Mark...
It’s really hard to be courteous to everyone always. Actually, it seems impossible. Not long ago I wrote a Saturday Sermon about a text in the New Testament that commands Christians to be courteous to all people (Titus 3:2). I wrote...