There are so many wrong answers to the question, “Why does God allow evil in the world?” “Why did God allow the pains of hurricane Irma? Couldn’t he have stopped it?” Better yet, “Why did God allow an earthquake...
In the early part of the nineteenth century, Haiti’s King Henri Christophe built a massive fortress (the “Citadel”) on one of the highest mountain peaks a few miles from the northern coast of Haiti. The Citadel was a...
Gotta read this by Stacey Ayars
I recently had a conversation with a guy who wanted to know why Jesus constantly called himself “Son of Man”. The reason is because he is the True Adam; pure human. Jesus is what “man” (read “humanity”) was always...
Psalm 19 is one of my favorite psalms. Among scholars it’s known as a wisdom psalm as it focuses on the particular topic of revelation (like Psalm 1, and Psalm 119). The central point of the Psalm is to remind God’s people that their God...
The Bible is full of commands. The first five books of the Bible (the Torah) are known for having 613 commands. That’s a lot of commands! The most famous of the Bible’s commands are probably the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:1–17). Most...
There is an interesting story in the New Testament where Jesus has a conversation with a woman at a well (John 4). The story goes that Jesus, in traveling from one Jewish town (Jerusalem) to another (Galilee), passed through a foreign land (Samaria)...
Can I get on a soap-box for just a second? In general, would a Protestant Evangelical (which I identify as) disagree with any of the following?: God is the main character in the story of redemption, not you and me. Salvation is not primarily about...
Recently I attended a backyard barbecue. There were about twenty or so friends and family members there including my mom and dad who made the trip up from Florida to visit us while we were speaking at churches in the greater Philadelphia area...