Serious Christians take the Bible seriously. Taking the Bible seriously is a dangerous thing. It’s dangerous because there are things in the Bible that are hard to understand. There are also commands to Christians in the Bible that are hard to carry...
So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. — Colossians 1:28 One of the major trademarks of evangelical Christianity is that it takes seriously Jesus’s command to make disciples and...
Too often I beat myself up over not being spiritual enough. I constantly tell myself that I don’t pray enough, I don’t fast enough, I don’t read my Bible enough, I don’t worship enough, don’t practice solitude enough, don’t take communion enough—the...
We always need to be ready. There is no time to lose. There is no room for negligence. Are you ready? There is an interesting little story in the Bible that Jesus tells about ten bridesmaids. Not a lot of people know this story, and rather than...
There are many truths of the Bible that are just plain hard to understand. Take the virgin birth as an example. How in the world is that possible? Another example is the Trinity. How is it that God can be One, yet Three? Another still is the Bible’s...
What more could we say about the desert experience? From cover to cover, the Bible tells us stories about the people of God going through the desert. The desert in the life of the believer is a symbol for the time of spiritual growth and testing...
This week I attended a missionary retreat in southern Georgia. During the retreat, the facilitators asked each attendee to share their life story. This is more or less the story of how you arrived at having a personal relationship with Jesus and...
Have you ever noticed that Israel has to go through the wilderness before they can inherit the Promised Land? As the story goes, Israel was delivered from slavery in Egypt, and the way out of Egypt was through the desert. The final destination was...
Last week I wrote about Genesis 1 and the role of memory and history as the foundation that creates a solid footing for growth in Christian maturity. Another feature, or theme of Genesis 1 is separation. In the creation account found in...
The first chapter of the first book of Bible (Genesis 1) records the story of how God created everything. This chapter details for us where we all come from. In fact, the very title of the book, “Genesis”, comes from a Greek word meaning...