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AuthorMatt Ayars

Matt is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Madison, Mississippi.

Episode 151

The Darkened Heart

Our little missionary family travels a lot. I hate traveling. I particularly don’t like airports. Airport food is expensive, and rarely good. Seats are tiny and people are grouchy (including me). Every hour spent in an airport is one less year in...

Episode 150

The Head-Splitting God

God is too big to fit inside our heads. Jesus called the Holy Spirit the “Helper” (John 14:26) because the reality is that we can’t understand God without the Holy Spirit’s help. We need the Holy Spirit to help illuminate our minds and calibrate our...

Episode 144


The movie Cast Away (2000) is about Fed-Ex executive Chuck Noland (played by Tom Hanks) who survives a plane crash only to be washed up on the shore of a small, desert island. Most of the movie is the story of Noland’s survival on the island. The...


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