The Bible is adamant that we not make idols (images or representations of God). The holiness of God is what’s behind the Bible’s strong prohibition against making idols.[1] God is so completely other than (i.e., “holy”) the creation that...
Hi all! Friday, July 23–Wednesday, July 28 I’ll be preaching at South Union Camp Meeting in Ackerman, MS. You can find the schedule here. Come if you can!
The cross prepares the new creation in which God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, can take up residence. The goal of the forgiveness of sins is God’s perpetual indwelling. Jesus’s blood provides an internal cleansing specifically to prepare a...
The application of this can be summed up in John’s words, “I must decrease, and he must increase” (John 3:30). Jesus is the main character on the stage of the story of redemption in the world, not us. We must be careful not to be tripped up the...
God is in complete control of the future. In the Cross, God went to the greatest lengths to secure your future. You don’t’ have to worry. When you do, you’re being a false prophet. You’re leading yourself (and others by your witness) astray. You’re...
June 6–8 I’ll be speaking at First Wesleyan Church of Bridgeton, NJ on the topic of spiritual warfare. Sessions will be 6PM starting Sunday night aside from the regular Sunday morning worship service in which I’ll be preaching as well...
We have in our minds a very romantic view of the nativity. A little shed like structure with a light shining down on it with a single narrow beam. Joseph and Mary are there, looking pensively at the manger. It is full to overflowing with clean straw...
There is no greater praise than the adoration delivered by Mary as she proclaimed what we call the “Magnificat.” Found in Luke 1:46-55, the Magnificat reveals the depth of why Mary declares her praise of God, and it is both personal and historic...
The wise men gave Jesus the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Each of these three gifts correspond to aspects of Jesus’s identity and redemptive mission in the world. The gold is symbolic of Jesus’s royalty. Jesus wasn’t the King of an earthly...
First Samuel 1 tells the story of Hannah, who is ridiculed by her husband’s other wife (Peninah) because she can’t have children. It’s likely that the only reason her husband (Elkanah) has a second wife is because Hannah...