the work continues…as does the opposition (Acts 6:8–15) There are two kinds of conflict in the church: (1) internal (Acts 6:1–7) and (2) external (Acts 6:8–15). Sin is the root cause of both. While internal sin occasionally pops up, it is external...
How do you know if someone is a true Christian? In the old covenant, adherence to the 613 commands of the Torah marked the people of God. In the new covenant in Christ, self-giving love (i.e., holiness; Christ-like love) empowered by the Holy Spirit...
Text: ACTS 4:1–31 The Promise of Persecution (Acts 4:1–4) As the apostles are faithful to their calling and function in the Holy Spirit, more and more people are being saved. Their faithfulness and the transformation of hearts and lives will create...
The whole story of the cross is about the mission of God. “Mission” means to send or be sent. God the Father sent God the Son (advent), and God the Son sends God the Holy Spirit (Pentecost), and God the Holy Spirit sends the Church into the world...
Salvation is not about us, it’s about Him. The story is His. God is the main character in the story of our lives, as he is the main character in the story of creation. He rescues us for a purpose. ACTS 1:1–5: In the first book, O Theophilus, I have...
Have you ever had to give up a most cherished and beloved gift of God in your life? Abraham did (Genesis 22). Abraham waited his whole life for God to fulfill his promise for a naturally-born son (Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born, and God...
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Luke 7:36–50 tells the story of a “sinful woman” who Jesus forgives. As the story goes, Jesus is eating with a Pharisee at the Pharisee’s home, and, while sitting at the table, the woman wet his feet with her tears, dried his feet...
Where do we find Jesus in the Old Testament? Thankfully, the New Testament answers that question for us loud and clear: EVERYWHERE. The Holy Spirit inspired the New Testament authors to constantly link Jesus, his life, and his ministry with...
Second Kings 22 tells the story of King Josiah. Josiah “was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in all the way of David his father, and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left.” One of the outcomes of Josiah’s devotion to God was his...